Crossing the boat tacking or gybing
Mike Hoare
I can only get to the otherside of the boat with a teleport + three joystick rotations by which time I have lost control of the boat. Sailiing on one side of a laser is the only thing that seems unnatural in the game. Is there a way to teleport and turn round 180 degrees at the same time.? If not could this be added by maybe teleporting and pressing a second button on the controllers at the same time?
Greg Dziemidowicz
Greg Dziemidowicz
Mike Hoare
Thanks Greg
Greg Dziemidowicz
Hi Mike, have you tried "auto teleport rotation" feature in Advanced settings" - let me know if that does what you are after
Mike Hoare
Greg Dziemidowicz: Thanks Greg that is what I was looking for. Is there any way to swap controller functions? The sheet and tiller are in the wrong hands after rotation or is there a way to lock the sheet and tiller during the rotation ? Cheers Mike
Greg Dziemidowicz
Mike Hoare: Not currently, feel free to create a specific feature request for that Mike