Best time recorded in race out of three
Robert Rupp
I routinely race all three (wish there were more opportunities) of my races per day. The last race is the one which is recorded as my result. Often that is not my best race. I wish the fastest of three races was recorded and not my last race was recorded as if it were my best time. Often that is not true
Aaron Sawyer
Robert, at least with Pro- the conflict used to be that someone would sniff out a puff or wind change and their creativity (or luck) would place them in first, but then others would see what they did and just copy and perfect it. So we hid the top performers and only let people do the race once to keep it like "real life"
Moira O’Brien
Aaron Sawyer I can understand that in the Region races where 3 goes are allowed - and yes, we can learn from others plus wind shifts etc. But for the Pro races this is not the case as we only get one go